Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Wednesday, April 27th, 2011

Hey everybody! A lot of things to be happy about in this post...

  • Harry PotterDeathly Hallows Part II trailer was released tonight and I think that my heart just stopped from excitement.  I know what I am doing July 14th at midnight!!!
  • Reeses:  Mum gave me a Reeses egg for Easter, and it literally saved my life today.
  • Laynes:  Wednesday night is filled with worshipping the Lord, and of course Laynes where my bestest of friends gather to laugh, eat, and share each other's company.  Winning!!!
  • Al Marx:  A Holocaust survivor who reminds me every day to be so thankful for the country that I live in, I don't have to live in fear, and that I can say goodnight to my parents every night.
  • Doctors:  The team of doctors at Memorial Herman in the Woodlands gave my friend enough time to say goodbye to the people she loved, and she didn't suffer.  I will miss her very much and I am so incredibly blessed to have been a part of my life while teaching me many things.
  • Deep Conversations:  Sometimes you have a random deep conversation and it is so intellectually stimulating.  But also bonds you closer together with the other person.  I had one tonight and quite enjoyed it.
  • Random Texts:  Ever got a random text message from somebody just saying hello, paid you a compliment, or just something wonderfully random they wanted to say to you?  I got one of those today and it felt really good :-)
  • Love Letters:  haha I haven't gotten one in awhile, but I just love the idea. And I think few things are more adorable than a man writing a love not to a girl if for nothing else than just to say he misses her.  If any guys are reading this...wink wink nudge nudge ;-)
  • Study Parties with Jane Wauson:  We have the best study parties ever complete with (usually country music) and lots lots lots lots and lots of laughter!
  • Wombats:  I love wombats!! They are so cute, fat, cuddly, and Australian!! I named this one Winston.

  • Loving the song "Are you gonna kiss me or not" by Thompson Square tonight.  Great song!
  • Happy Quote:  "I love talking to you, Kate.  It's like talking to a Harry Potter movie!"
  • At this moment, Jane is talking to herself and it is making me laugh hysterically!!
Until next time.  Think Happy thoughts my friends!  Win win!!!! Love, Kate J :-)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Monday, April 25, 2011

Hello Everyone! I've decided to post a happy blog.  Only about things that make me happy, I admire, or see something happy I want to share.  Someone suggested this as a mental exercise because if you have an objective to look at only happy things, then it is hard to be negative or sad.  So this is my baby project and to any who may be following thank you for reading and I look forward to hearing your thoughts, ideas, or things that make you happy.

Wondering about the title?  Well, I was considering doing something Harry Pottery because, Yes, I am that much of a nerd.  But then I recognized that not everyone likes Harry Potter (shocking I know!!) so I compromised.  I have always loved the fresh smell of books, or journals, and yes...parchment.  Hermonie lists fresh parchment as love potion signifier for her so boom:  compromise. 

My first official things that make me happy blog list:

  • Watching Titanic with my mum:  It is our movie and we usually share a few tears, remarks about how we love the music, and chocolate in various forms
  • Hallmark movies:  Tonight was a new one, Beyond the Blackboard, about a ordinary woman who changed the lives of homeschool kids by simply caring.  Go watch it!
  • Luke Bryan's, "Country Man"video. So funny!
  • Easter supper with my sweet family including:  ham, mashed potatoes, green beans, homeade yeast rolls, cranberry sauce, and sundae's.  Sundae's on Sunday! Get it?!!
  • Laying my head down on a comfortable pillow and finding that perfect cold spot where you are just the most relaxed before going to bed.
  • Jamming out to music when taking my sisters to school:  I'm the #1 fan of Karly and Kassidy Jones. Love those girls!!!
  • The Ya-Yas:  Our group of 5 best friends going on almost 8 years now.  We found our inspiration for the group name from the Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood.  We've bonded through laughter, trials, Mountain Dew, being far apart, but mostly laughter.  Here's a photo of us crazy girls. 
  • Happy Quote:  "Put a smile on your face...and make the world a better place!"--Random Song
What made you happy this past week? Feel free to share. 
Until next time...peace we out! Love, Kate J.