Thursday, May 12, 2011

Thursday May 12, 2011

Yo, Yo, Yo and a little Yo-Yo thrown in there for good measure....

Rain:  Here in College Station, Texas we have a lot to be celebrating this morning as we have been through a bad drought, and it has not stopped raining since 5am this morning. Yes! Hopefully this delightful rain will come with some cool weather to sprinkle throughout the valley.  Sleeping in the rain is so relaxing!
School:  Finals are over! It is funny that the day after finals are over it finally decids to rain...coincidence? I think not! It is like the scene in Holes where it finally rains after the bad guys have been arrested. The one part I do like about finals is that some of the craziest, funniest, and funnest times I have with friends is during this time.  We are all sleep deprived, agrivated, and just ready to call it a year but we always find great times to be together.

Goodbyes:  I am saying goodbye this semester to many of my beloved friends who are graduating and moving on from the Aggie system (can we do that???).  However, this blog has challenged me to think positively so while thinking about how I could turn this into came to me:  I have friends to say goodbye to!!!  The reason it makes me so sad is because I have developed meaningful relationships with these people who I have come to respect, love, and adore.  I am so blessed to have been a part of their lives! We've shared many things:  hard times, teary time, happy times, laughing so hard you are crying times, movie times, chicken times, and times when we just sat back and talked.  You can't do that with everyone, you know.  To my friends who are leaving know that I will be thinking about you often and even though we may be sad now--all that means is that we are care very much about each other.  Some people won't have the same wonderful experience that I have had in the social aspect so the fact that I GET to say goodbye to you all just means I have been blessed beyond measure.  I wish you luck!  Gig'em!!

Cheesecake:  So a couple of us decided to have a girls night out on the town Tuesday night.  We decided to venture to Cheesecake Factory and indoctrinate those who had not been yet.  It was delicious! I had the Reeses Peanut Butter Cheesecake...delicious! And for those who have seen the Harvard Sailing Team video of boys acting like girls:  I ate two chocolate cheesecakes! Fat!  Then we decided to venture to our beloved store of Barnes and Noble where we took many pictures and cantered down the isles of knowledge.  We got kind of creative...

Graduate School:  I've been accepted to the Texas A&M History Graduate program, and I am very excited.  This morning I was able to see where my office was and I even get my name on the door. Holla!  Next year I am going to walk into a classroom as, "Professor Kate Jones"...kind of weird, but it shows that I'm a nerd because just hearing that makes me grin from ear to ear.

Fellowship:  This past month at church one of our good friend's dad died.  He struggled with cancer for a long time, and finally ended his suffering peacefully.  It was a hard time for all of us.  The reason I start out saying this is because we all were grieving.  That is why it is on this blog.  It was not our dad who died but we all felt the pain for our friend and his family.  We all reached out to our friend and his family, and I believe we all grew stronger because of it.  Now that is fellowship!  That is something you cannot buy with any amount of money and I am so thankful to be part of a group where we bond together like this.

Laynes:  Soo...a tradition we have Wednesday night after church is going to a little place we call Laynes.  All it serves is chicken fingers, toast, and fries.  Not the best assortment for your cholestoral levels, but you have to have a treat every now and then. It is a time to eat, laugh, talk, and sing Bohemian Rhapsody at the top of your lungs.  Well last night was our last one of the spring season and a record of 42 people showed up.  We took over the's what we looked like:  Winning!!!

Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock:  It's very simple. Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and—as it always has—rock crushes scissors. (Big Bang Theory!!)

Loving the Song:  "I See the Light" from Tangled. What a beautiful song! ...and a great movie I probably watch it at least 2 times a week.  I'm not obsessed it is just a movie that makes me extremely happy.

Happy Quote:  "Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections"--Anonymous

At this moment:  I am about to go wake up my roomates to eat Little Ceasears, watch a chick flik (I'm thinking wedding planner), and drink Dr. Pepper. A time honored tradition in our house.

Until next time. Think happy my friends! Win Win!!!  Love, Kate J. :-)

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